I’m so proud of myself for pushing through

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:September 6, 2020

I feel fricking amazing because I set out to tackle a project and I saw it through to completion. That’s a big deal to me and I’m really proud of myself for pushing through my overwhelming desire to give up.

Emmett helped me and I was able to teach him a little at the same time.

I mentioned before that I wanted to conceal and manage all the wires, cables and everything else related to my podcasr that could be tucked away neatly.

Yes, I realize the cables going into and out of the cloud lifter are incorrectly installed. It’s fixed. ☺

The underside of my table now contains all wires and cables for my laptop, mixing board, cloud lifter, microphone, and power supplies. Everything is secured, organized and out of sight.

I also ran power to the bookshelf so I have options for additional power.

As I mentioned, Emmett helped me remove some of the wooden tracks underneath the table, so I could drill the hole.

I got everything cleaned up and put back together. I’ll be ready to start recording again this week. I should also be able to finally release my next episode this coming Friday. I’ve been spread way too thin lately and in need of a break. I’ve recorded 32 eposides so far this year, with 3 in the tank. It takes a great deal of work, especially when I do it all in my own.

I’m excited to get things back on track and moving forward again. It’s always nice to have a pleasant, relaxing working environment.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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I feel this. Our house has 4 people while 3 could live here comfortably. So at some point when I have the energy I need to get rid of STUFF.

Your setup looks pretty good. You can be proud of yourself.