It’s been a really long night. I want to explain and at the same time, make an important announcement as well.
I began my blogging journey over ten years ago with Lost and Tired. Eventually rebranded to The Autism Dad during my first separation in 2014 because I was starting a new journey.
Eventually, I merged the two sites together and aside from a small gap of roughly six months, everything I’ve ever written is here. The missing six months happened during the merger and had to do with data corruption, if I recall correctly. During that period of time I wasn’t really writing much anyway and while I wish I had everything intact, I’ve accepted this loss of data.

When the sites were merged, I shutdown Lost and Tired. I created a permanent 301 redirect, so that anyone trying to visit a post on the old site would be forward to the correct post at this site. It’s been running like this for years.
I removed all the original Lost and Tired site data from my server and securely stored it in a different location. The domain auto renewed every year and that was that.
Last night I discovered that the redirect wasn’t working because I started noticing activity on the Lost and Tired domain. That shouldn’t be happening because that site has been offline for years.
After digging through my personal server, I confirmed that all Lost and Tired data was still offline and the redirect was in place. I’m exhausted as it is already so it took me a bit to figure out what had happened.
Apparently, for reasons unknown to me, the Lost and Tired domain expired. There was issues with the payment information. I’m not sure what that means but it wasn’t a lack of funds because every other domain renews. It seems like maybe a billing error or a glitch but it doesn’t matter. The bottomline is that with everything going on, I didn’t notice this had happened until it was too late.

Here’s where it gets really weird and worrisome.
Someone purchased the Lost and Tired domain, which is fine. I don’t really care about that. It sucks but it is what it is.
My problem is that whoever did this, relaunched and restored at least part of the Lost and Tired site, with what appears to be data, stolen from me. The site looks as it did in August 2013. It sorta resembles something you’d find using the wayback machine. It’s not functioning properly but at least some posts are still present, as are pictures of me and my family. There’s an active donation link and that is concerning. I have to figure out if that link is still attached to my account and terminate it that link if it is. If it’s not and it’s pointing to someone else’s account, I cannot stop that.
I tested the donation like out by attempting to make a small donation. It wouldn’t go through cause you can’t donate to yourself. I should be able to disable that link so at least that will no longer be active.
It appears to at least represent that the PayPal account belongs to me. The version of the site running is from 2013. That was a year before I rebranded. The PayPal link reflects The Autism Dad, which is strangle considering that didn’t exist at the time. I haven’t used that in forever, so it’s taking some time to sort through all of this.
I have called GoDaddy and they’re assisting with filing an abuse complaint. We cannot locate the actual host because they are hiding behind a CDN.
This is very disturbing on many levels. There’s theft identity, of intellectual property and the fact that someone may be attempting to represent themselves as me to solicit funds, which very concerning. I’ve never dealt with anything like this before and I have no choice to but to seek legal counsel.
I’ve been getting harassed by a few people recently, at least one of whom uses multiple accounts to do so. I don’t know if this is related or not but it at least appears that someone is going through a great deal of trouble to do this.
I get that there are people out there who don’t like me for whatever reason. I get that some people are just awful human beings and live to make miserable, the lives of others.
I’m unsure of the motive in this latest attack but it not only impacts me but Lizze and the boys as well. I have no control over what happens on that site now.
It’s no secret that I’m already in over my head and this is the last thing I need to worry about, especially with school starting in the morning.
I’m not sharing a direct link but it’s not difficult to figure it out how to find it, should you want to see for yourself. Please exercise caution and DO NOT use the donation link on that site. If while you’re online, you come across anything that seems to be coming from me but sounds off, please let me know.
Thanks everyone.
I am laughing at you thinking I have something to do with this. I’ll give you that I appear to have a shit ton of extra time to ‘create new accounts‘. (in reality it takes me about 3 minutes to post to you, if that) but sorry to say that it’s someone else behind buying your domain name. As for the attorney, if you get to that as quickly as you have Gavin’s guardianship or your divorce, the new owner of your site will be sitting in Bora Bora on Lost and Tired money before you’ve made the first phone call. Also, none of this would be happening if you had simply paid the bill. It’s really that simple. Side note: loving that ‘accountability’ is one of the posts showing up on the first page.
I really feel sorry for you. It takes zero courage to be an asshole to someone online. There’s no bravery in tearing people down. As you have undoubtedly noticed, I’ve stopped moderating comments because you have no impact on me. You only make yourself look bad. If you want to be an asshole, that’s on you. It’s really sad that you feel the need to do that but to each their own.
I honestly wish you the best. ☺
Woah. Sounds like you need to start a defamation case. So sorry to hear this news. Was this old blog with wordpress?
Also…you should ask @Popehat if he can help? This is right up his alley. And he’s willing to connect people to free or low cost counsel. Usually.
Yes. An attorney is exactly what you need. Can that fall under a DMCA notice?
I’m not sure. I’m reaching out today but I’m sorta split focused at this point cause I’m getting the boys ready for school.