School is getting closer and closer and I’m getting nervous. We will be distance learning for the first time because there isn’t a snowballs chance in hell that I would put my kids in a classroom right now. I know it’s the right thing to do but I’m questioning whether I’m the right person for the job. Unfortunately, I’m the only person for the job, so I don’t really have a choice.
Everyone is stressed out and lockdown is continuing to take its toll.
The house setup is not really conducive to distance learning and I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet.

Using the dining room table is probably the easiest solution but the boys may end up distracting each other if I don’t separate them. Ideally, they’d be in separate rooms but there’s not really a great deal of space for that.
What I’m currently thinking is that one of them can work in the dining room and the other in their bedroom.
I’ve seen pictures of kids distance learning and they’re just chilling in a big beanbag chair, on their laptop doing school work. Maybe that’s an idea or maybe it’s just something meant to make parents feel more comfortable about taking this on. I like the image in my head but the kid in the picture appears to be super cooperative and excited about learning. I’m not sure my kids fall into that category. I know it’s just a picture but it would be nice if that turns out to be the reality.
The bottomline is that this is going to present a great many challenges, many I haven’t even thought of yet. Most parents I’ve spoken to are feeling much the same way because it’s their first time as well.
In the coming weeks, I’m having some podcast episodes that will focus on this topic. There are some really interesting ideas out there and while I don’t necessarily think they are all a good fit for my family, they could be for yours.
Anyway, on a side note, we have several mystery packages showing up today. These are deliveries that I have nothing to do with. Companies send stuff all the time but there’s literally 70 lbs worth of stuff showing up via FedEx and I have no idea what it is. All I know is each box weighs about 35lbs and there’s two of them.
My current theory is textbooks. Elliott recieved a textbook a few weeks back and Emmett received a bunch of supplies last week. I would assume more is coming before school starts. Either way, we’ll know for sure in a few hours.
I really need to get my head in the game and prepare myself for whatever is coming my way.