It’s been a rough transition home for the kids

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:July 13, 2020

The boys came home this afternoon. I picked them up about 2pm. I surprised them by bringing Ruby along, which I would immediately regret. We’ll just say she’s a nervous traveler and leave it at that.

She was happy to see the boys and they were thrilled to see her. She was excited to see Lizze as well.

I was hoping that Ruby being there would help to smooth out the transition and it worked, until we got home.

It’s been a challenging day as the kids begin adjusting to being home. They’re glad to be back but they miss their mom. We haven’t discussed a future visit yet but at this point, it might not be for awhile. The pandemic is getting worse and we agreed that if/when that happens, we will have to reevaluate our current arrangement.

This so important to remain a parenting team both during and after divorce. I’m glad we’ve managed to pull that off.

I’m telling you, this whole thing sucks. It’s not easy on the kids, and I can’t be easy for Lizze.

Either way, we’re making the best of a very difficult situation and I’m so grateful they had time together this weekend.

The transitions are always tough. Autistic kids don’t typically do well with change and going between households is definitely a change. I see an uptick in meltdowns and other emotional outbursts. It’s hasn’t been crazy difficult but I’m exhausted from trying to manage everything.

A good night’s sleep will help hit the reset button and with any luck, we’ll have good footing as we take on the week.

While I feel like I already spent the resources I managed to regenerate during my break, I’m so happy they’re home.

We have a slower week ahead of us. I think I have one interview scheduled for this week and one for next week. That’s pretty much it. I’ve got a lot of post work to get done but that’s not too difficult. It is time consuming because it’s all done in real time. If an interview lasted an hour, it takes at least an hour to just listen to the audio and begin making needed edits. It really is time consuming to produce high quality audio.

I’m looking forward to taking the week on. I feel like we’re in a good place. I have some projects around the house we can work on and I’m still trying to create a new routine for the household.

Anyway, I’m off to bed. Everyone is currently sleeping, as they are emotionally and physically exhausted from a fun weekend with their mom.

Stay safe everyone. Wear a mask. Social distance and wash your hands.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Good they could go. Maybe a longer visit in a couple months? Depending on how bad things are, of course. If their house could shelter enough the boys could be safer. Just brainstorming here. I’m still NOT shopping inside a store, and tomorrow Bob will pick up stuff at Walmart using the personal shopper.