There are details that need worked out and preparations that need to be made but at least the decision has been made and process started. I’ve already talked to the kids about it and they are mostly excited because they will be able to learn at their own pace and take some truly unique classes that they wouldn’t be able to otherwise.
The social side of things isn’t really a factor at this point because we have to stay locked down anyway. That said, their are online clubs that will be helpful until all this is over.
It’s not a perfect solution but it is the safest way for them to continue their education for now.
I’ll let you know how this progresses and what I’m looking at.
As I mentioned there are a few housekeeping things to touch on before I let you go. Interviews are starting next week for the second half of season 3 of The Autism Dad Podcast. I’m open to topic ideas, guest recommendations and sponsorships. Click the contact button below to connect.
My goal is to drop the next episode around mid-June and resume moving forward on a weekly basis.
Finally, Gavin is expecting his new mattress today and is really excited to finish setting up his room. That should arrive later this afternoon.
I’m really excited that he finally agreed to getting his mattress replaced. You can’t really push an autistic person to do something they aren’t ready to do. After seeing both his brothers get new mattresses, he decided that it might not be so bad.
Anyway, it will be an adjustment for him but it’s important to challenge his limits a bit sometimes. He is often surprised by what he’s actually capable of doing. ☺
Lastly, I’m finally pulling the trigger on a treadmill or something similar. I won’t be able to get out and take of myself the way I need to for the foreseeable future. I need something that will help me continue to improve, as well as better manage my depression. For the record, while I’m not gaining weight, I’m not losing it either. That needs to change.
This won’t happen until sometime in June. I still have to figure out what direction I want to go in and decide on the type of equipment that will work best.
Anyway, please stay safe and I’ll talk to you soon.
I wish I could homeschool my daughter
I home schooled my son, for different reasons, but it all worked out for the better for our situation and our son did well. Back in our time, we didn’t have online classes like they do now. The only choices were GED classes or taking correspondence, by mail, classes that were given by an actual high school that had an association with the company that marketed the classes. At the end, once the student completed all the required classes successfully, they obtained a high school diploma from the high school. It worked for our son for those times. But I’m very glad that parents such as you today have the internet where students can interact with the teachers doing a visual face to face. I wish your sons a great educational experience with their online home school experience. And at this difficult time you and Lizzie have made the best choice. Unfortunately too many of our citizens don’t realize that’s it not about them with their disregard for wearing mask and social distancing. It’s the fact that they, in their foolishness, could infect others and contribute to the detriment to an innocent persons health . Once again, good luck on your homeschooling.
Rob, Henry went to Connections Academy for most of high school. In the end he got so sick that he didn’t quite finish, but he was about 18. He did end up testing very well for his GED. But what I’m trying to say is that the teachers are actually very much available for help. It’s almost like since they are doing it online they work harder to contact kids. It might be hard in some ways, as I think until the kids are in high school they have to be more supervised by a parent. But in general, Henry did well going there. I can’t tell you how well they deal with autistic kids but I know they have neuro-untypical kids. Hope it goes well!