The kids spent the night at their mom and grandparents house. They’ll be home in a couple hours and for right now, I’m enjoying the quiet. It sounds like the visit is going well and that always makes me happy. 🙂
Last night I swung by to say hi to my mom and ended up staying for hours. Some of my siblings stopped by as well and we ended up having an impromptu family dinner. It was completely unplanned but it was such a good time.

Since I’ve been on my own again, I haven’t really put myself out there. I’ve become very much a homebody and when the kids are gone, I tend to not do anything. I really miss having even the semblance of a social life. Rather than keep to myself last night, I hung out with family and that felt good. I think there’s hope for me yet.
I slept a bit restlessly because I was having nightmares on and off but that happens from time to time.
This morning, I feel pretty good. I’m feeling hopeful and I’m making plans for the future. I have a big week a head of me and I fully intend to own it.
I’m finishing up a very special podcast episode for this coming Friday. It’s my onsite interview with Kate Mazelin, the Marketing Director from Give Kids The World. This was a very emotional experience for me. I’m so grateful to have had been able to spend some time volunteering, along with my kids. None of us will ever forget our time there.
Anyway, it’s going to be a busy week and Wednesday is by far the most important day. It’s Elliott’s birthday and he’s still deciding how he’d like to celebrate. I’m going to push to do something because he is struggling with everything and I want to make sure he knows how important he is.
For those who don’t know, while Gavin is my oldest, Elliott is my first born. Gavin didn’t come into my life until he was a little over a year old, so I wasn’t present for his birth. Elliott was my first and it’s an experience that cannot be put into words.
I’m not sure what we’re going to do but I’m hoping Elliott has some ideas of what he’d like. I want it to be a special day.
Outside of that, things are pretty much status quo at the moment and I’m okay with that. Nothing is perfect and we face many obstacles but we’re making forward progress and I’m so proud of my kids. I’m also proud of myself as well.
Good for you!
Thanks Becky. It’s a little foreign but it was a lot of fun. Normally I’m just too exhausted to care about doing anything.. ☺
Glad you got to have some me social time with family
I need to make that a more regular thing.. ☺
Happy birthday Elliot!
I’ll pass it along. Thanks Curtis.