It’s been a really busy day. I recorded two interviews and finalized another one for next week. I want to get as far ahead of myself as I can because the Florida trip is going to throw things off schedule. This way I pods releasing for the next few weeks. I just need to edit and schedule them before I leave.
I mentioned that I’m seriously depressed and unfortunately, one of the biggest ways depression impacts me is my short term memory.

It’s weird because I don’t really forget anything that happens or what is said. It’s more that I lose my train of thought. When I’m interviewing someone, I have questions that pop up and if I don’t jot them down, I will likely forget what I was going to ask. I have a memory like a steel trap and it’s only when I’m really struggling with depression that this becomes a problem. It’s very frustrating for me. This is one of the signs that help me realize that I need to regroup.
I feel like I did a horrible job with these interviews today and I hate that. I want to make sure I do right by my guests and perform in a manner that I’m proud of. Lately, it’s more of a struggle than I like to admit.
It could always be worse. I just need to structure and plan out the interviews better until I get my footing again. .
Anyway, I did get them done and they will probably turn out okay. I may need to re-record one of them anyway, because the connection was flaky and there are parts where audio cuts out. I’ll have to see how things work out.
I need to figure out the best way to do remote interviews. I keep having issues with drop offs. That’s on my ever growing list of shit I need to get done.
I’m going to really try and focus on the positives and not get buried by these frustrations.
I’m publishing this later than I had planned, so I can’t tell you how the tonight’s meeting will have gone but I’m grateful be working with Emmett’s mom to come up with potential solutions that can help Emmett return to school.
I’ll let you know in the morning, what we come up with.
I agree with your post.