The boys are gone for the night and I can just sorta exhale for a bit. I absolutely love my kids but it’s so hard to see them hurting all the time. It eats away at me and it’s tough to deal with.
I just finished a 3.5 mile walk with my Mom and I think I’ll get a nap in before getting some recording done for the podcast. I’m really tired and it’s freezing in the house for some reason. The thermostat reads 68°F but it doesn’t feel like that. I’m gonna crawl into my nice warm bed for a little while and recharge.
It’s just me and Ruby. The house is quite and I haven’t heard gunshots in a while. ☺

The kids will be home around noon tomorrow so I don’t have too much time to myself and I need to be productive. Gavin also turns 20 tomorrow as well and that’s a big day for him.
He’s doesn’t know what he wants for his birthday yet and so I suggested putting some money on his new debit card and setting up an Amazon account in his name, so he can shop for himself. I feel like that’s a bit of independence he can handle. He’s so careful with his money and being able to buy things on his one and have them delivered is something he’s pretty excited about.
I’ll keep an eye on him but all things considered, and with everything he’s got going on, he has a decent head on his shoulders. I think he can handle this and if not, I’ll be there to help him. ☺
Happy birthday Gavin!