The boys spent some time visiting their mom and grandparents today. While they were gone, I had intended to do nothing but work on the house. Unfortunately, my sleep has been so disrupted lately, I opted to take a nap instead.
When I got up, I decided to hit the park and get some walking in. I popped in my Galaxy Buds and began listening to A Warning: by Anonymous and was able to get about 3.5 miles in before heading home to eat and get some house work done.

I felt so good being able to walk again. It helps me to deal with my stress and get centered enough to carry on with the day, without losing my mind completely.
The kids were home a little before 6pm and my understanding is that they had a good visit. I’ve learned not to ask them much beyond how’d it go? Did you guys have fun? If they didn’t have a good time or come home upset, there’s very little I can do about it. A good visit makes me happy.
We ate dinner and then spent some time with the ferrets and got the rest of the house work done.
All in all, the bathroom carpet has been scrubbed, the bathroom cleaned, the living room cleaned/organized, the kitchen has also been deep cleaned and organized. The boys have straightened their room but it still needs a bit of work. That said, progress is progress.
We need to finish up the dining room in the morning but for the most part, the house is caught up after a solid month of neglect. With everyone being sick, I dropped the ball in a big way.
Anyway, Emmett’s friend will be here around 11am and he’s already decided that they want pizza and chicken for lunch. I’m so excited for Emmett and frankly myself as well. We’ve never had any friends from school come over. This kind of thing is often more difficult when you’re an Autism family. Emmett needs this and I think it’s a great idea. This is a growing experience for all of us.
I tried getting Elliott to do the same thing but Elliott is still pushing the world away right now and wants nothing to do with it. The kids will probably watch movies and play the Xbox and Playstation. I’m just so excited because this is the kind of normalcy we need in our lives.
I’m heading to bed before midnight and will hopefully get some much needed sleep.
Glad you had a great day. Hope there’s many more to come.