I wanted to share something cool that happened while at the grocery store this weekend.
I’m always working with my kids on life skills and putting them in real-world situations, so they can learn to navigate life. Grocery shopping presents many such opportunities and I took advantage of one yesterday.
As I’ve mentioned several times, I’m making the boys homemade pepperoni rolls for their school lunches.
I buy pizza dough and sliced sandwich pepperoni every week and bake them fresh every other day.
While at the store, I asked Gavin if he thought he could go to the deli and order 1lb of thin sliced, sandwich pepperoni. He said he’d try. I stood back as a reasonable distance and watched him. I was close enough that I could help him out if need be but far enough away that he didn’t feel me looking over his shoulder.

He did a great job and even made some small talk with the person behind the counter. It was awkward small talk but it was still small talk.
It’s so cool to witness this first hand because when he does something for the first time, the look on his face is absolutely priceless. I’m so proud of him. He’s come such a long way and while I know this may seem like a no big deal to some, I assure you, it’s huge for us.
In other positive news, the boys were hell bent on trying all kinds of new fruit and so we got lots of healthy fruits and veggies while we were there. They won’t do veggies but new fruit is something they enjoy trying and all I can say is that I’ll take what I can get.

I’m so proud of everyone and as this weekend fades into Monday, these are the memories I’ll take with me.
That is awesome that Gavin ordered at the deli and interacted. Good for him.