Finding the positives can be difficult when hearts don’t break even

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:October 27, 2019

I started a conversation on Twitter tonight because I needed some advice. I explained that I’m struggling a bit to find my footing as a newly single Dad. There’s a lot of mix emotions and that makes gaining traction a bit harder for me. There are times when the positives as apparent and times where they are drowned out by pain, sadness and heartache. It’s these times that I need help with.

I simply asked my followers to help me come up with some positive things about being single.

My intent was not only to gain some perspective but also help anyone else out there who’s struggling with something similar. Sometimes it’s hard to see the positives in a situation like this. I suppose it might be a little easier when your single by choice, not that there still wouldn’t be mixed emotions, but it seems it would be harder when someone else makes that choice for you.

It’s these situations where hearts don’t break even and finding the positives can be challenging. That’s where I find myself and while the positives are there, sometimes I can’t seem them.

Everyday is a struggle to find myself and maintain a proper heading because my kids need me to keep the car from going off the road. Their lives have been turned upside down and the better I do, the better they’ll do.

As I asked my Twitter friends earlier, can you list some of the positive things about being single?

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Judette Kraics

I could give you another way of looking at it. I mean, yes, you are single now. And yes, you are a single dad with three autism angels. I think if you focus on what you learned during your married years. Where you started and where you are now in regards to your life skills. I’m sure you are a hell of a lot more patient then you were. Look at it as another challenge that life has thrown your way. It can only make you better, right? I believe that more doors will be opened for you.

I was a single mom for 6 years before meeting my husband. It gave me a chance to get to know my son one on one. And to get to know myself as well. You’re not the same person you were when you first married your wife. Don’t focus so much on the fact that you’re single. Focus on the person that you are and when it’s all said and done, the person that you want to be. For your sons. For you. Good luck on this journey. It won’t be easy but it will be fulfilling if you want it to be.