I’m in a weird place this morning. I’m not feeling very hopeful about life at the moment. I know that’s mostly depression talking but it’s talking over many other things in my life. I don’t know if that makes sense?
I’m saying that if depression was a voice it’d be the loudest voice I can hear right now.

I was supposed to go walking this morning and I’ve been looking forward to it all week. Unfortunately, I got a call from the dealership I bought my new car from. Apparently, they made a mistake on the paperwork. The advertised mileage on the car and the actual mileage differed and Capitol One has required all new paperwork to be drawn up. That means I have a 30 minute drive to sign papers and I’m not excited about it.
It seems like an honest mistake but it’s still a mistake that I have to shift my schedule around to fix.
I have two podcast interviews today and at least job that needs done. I’m already stressed out and now I’m being rushed today. I’m overwhelmed and need to catch my breath.
On the positive side of thing, this is my 4th consecutive day of weightloss. ☺