The kids left a couple hours ago and it’s something that I’m still getting used to. I love every breath just to be around my kids. When there gone, it’s like I don’t know what to do with myself. Weird huh?
It’s something that I’ll adjust to over time and they’re never gone for more than 24 hours or so. It’s good for them and I need to find things to occupy my me time.

I mentioned yesterday that I was craving Chipotle. It’s been a couple of months since I was last there and I figured, what the hell. Rather than just go get a burrito, I decided I should earn the burrito first. As soon as the kids left, I went to the park and walked a few miles. It’s been almost a month since I’ve been free to do that and I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity.
The kids will be home shortly and I think I might try to squeeze in a nap before they arrive.
Anyway, thank you for all the words of encouragement and support. I truly appreciate it.