The kids got off to school okay. Turns out Elliott did not take his new medication to help him sleep. When I was putting the meds out this morning, I saw that he hadn’t taken it. I don’t think he did it on purpose, but regardless, I need to run a little tighter ship in this regard.
I don’t know if he was faking that he was asleep when I checked on him last night, but he’s been known to do that. He was dragging this morning and it was pretty clear that he didn’t sleep well.

Either way, he made it to school, as did Emmett. ☺
On the way home, Gavin and I stopped at the park and went for a walk. Gavin can’t go for great distances or durations but that kid gives it his all.
He was able to do one and a half miles this morning. It wasn’t easy for him but he made it. I think with consistency, he will improve and that’s a good thing for his health. We were able to finish in twenty eight minutes. That’s a pretty good time.

He came home and took a nap but he’s feeling pretty good now.
I’m super proud of him. I wish I had the ability to walk like I have been for a couple years now but leaving Gavin home by himself probably isn’t going to be an option. Frankly, one lap is better than no laps and over time, perhaps he will be able to do more. I really need something for the house so I can still walk for at least an hour a day, without having to be limited.
Now we’re off to go see Gavin’s psychiatrist for a meds check. Hopefully, I’ll have good news to share when I get back. ☺