I have 6 short-term goals as I begin to rebuild our lives

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  • Reading time:7 mins read
  • Post last modified:September 1, 2019


Perhaps this has already begun. It’s difficult to tell when you’re in the middle of it. It’s incredibly important that I help to promote the healing process for both myself and the kids. It’s so important because we all still have so much of our lives left to live and I want to be able to help the kids put this pain behind them. I need to do the same thing for myself so that I can be the best father I can be.

Healing is a process and it’s different for everyone. That said, I just want to make sure that everyone gets what they need to begin healing and find peace.

Keeping Depression in Check

One of my biggest worries right now is that my depression will overpower me. I worry that I will sink into the darkness and find myself lost. I’m battling depression on a good day and loss as significant as the ending of twenty year relationship, on the heels of two deaths in the family, is fertile ground for depression to flourish.

I must continue seeking help and taking care of myself. Even if right now, I don’t do it for me, I need to do it for my kids.

It’s important that I return to actively working on my fitness and weightloss goals. Not only will that help to counter my depression, but it will also help me to be a better father to my kids.

Working and Stabilizing My Income

Lastly, I need to refocus my efforts in regards to stabilizing my income. That’s actually pretty straightforward at this point. The opportunities are already here and I need to capitalize on them.

This requires me to get back into a habit of writing. Not only does that bring in money, but it also helps me cope with life. That’s a win win.

I also need to get back to working on the podcast. I already have interested sponsors for an entire season two and that’s amazing. I just need to buckle down and get things moving.

There is more ground that needs to be made up now that things have changed so drastically in our lives. If I can keep things moving forward, I can better provide for my kids and ultimately get us the hell out of this neighborhood and some place safer.

Work in Progress

These are my immediate goals for right now. Everyday presents new challenges and I may need to adjust these goals accordingly. I feel like it’s best that I focus on more short-term goals at the moment because the longer-term ones are much more difficult and require a solid fountation to build upon.

It also doesn’t hurt to get some successes under my belt as well. Things like this can boost confidence and promote a better future. 1

For right now, this is my plan. Maybe it will change as I move forward and I’m okay with that. The important thing is that I have a plan in place.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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It’s good that you can write and do your podcast to make money. That way you can continue to stay home. I actually enjoyed listening to your podcast.