It’s going to be a busy day. You already know the kids are home from school because they’re struggling a great deal right now. That is taking up the bulk of my morning..
Around noon, I’m taking the kids to my parents house, so I can run a few errands. I have some difficult but necessary things I must undertake this afternoon and I’m not looking forward to any of them.

There several divorce related things I must take care of today, and that’s not going to be easy. Coming to terms with this is going to be a process that takes time. I wasn’t prepared for any of this in the least and so I’m still dealing with the shock.
There are things I will talk about and things that I won’t. I won’t share anything that could compromise the kids in any way, shape or form. There are group things at play and they’re way too young to understand any of this. Frankly, I still don’t understand the what’s and the why’s but at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter.
All anyone needs to know is that I was blindsided by this. It wasn’t something I would have ever wanted or sought out in my own. I take marriage very seriously and honestly, while not perfect, I was happy with my life. I had my wife and kids and that’s what mattered most to me. That’s all that anyone needs to know in order to better understand what I’m going through personally. I don’t think there’s any problem with that level of honesty. This isn’t anything the kids don’t already know.
I feel it’s important to discuss these things because divorce is very difficult and when you toss Autism into the mix, it’s even moreso. My hope is that I can shed some light on this and help people to learn from my mistakes, as well as from the things I manage to get right.
Anyway, I have my 3rd therapy session this afternoon, before taking the kids to their own therapy session with Dr. Pattie. I’m really worried about my kids right now. They’re going through a great deal and kids with Autism tend to generalize experiences. My kids are very skilled in the art of generalization. They essentially assume that because something happened once, it will always happen. That’s very difficult to counter.
I need to emotionally sack-up (so to speak) and get myself through this afternoon. It’s going to be a tough one.