It’s going to be a quiet day for me. The kids are going to visit their Mom for the afternoon. They’re leaving a little before lunch and will be home in time for dinner. That gives me the day to myself.
I’m not super thrilled about having the day to myself cause I’ll miss the kids, but it will give me a chance to watch John Wick 3. I’m stoked about that for sure.
I need to focus on putting the house back together, and I have to get stuff for lunches. I’d like to have all that done before they get home. I don’t know what kind of mood they’re going to be in when they get back, so I want to let them come home and chill. Maybe play with the ferrets for a while.
It’s important that I have time for myself. That said, if, given the choice, I’d always have my kids with me. If I could selfishly keep them at this age, or maybe a bit younger, I would.
The kids are excited about going today, and I’m happy that they have the opportunity because seeing their mom is important.