What is SafeBlanket?
We use “safe blanket” in our hospital to help comfort children and adults with several “blanket wrapping” techniques. The SafeBlanket is a durable, functional heavy blanket used to wrap your loved one. The comforting and soothing effects of the pressure help calm patients quickly. We also use it to hold unusually combative patients during routine medication administration (e.g., injections, blood draws).
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As a passionate member of the autism community, I could use your engagement. Please visit our website and drop your email to remain informed of our progress and leave direct feedback.
People are talking:
“That sounds amazing. I have a medical condition that, combined with ASD, had me shaking and shaking. The only thing that would get it to stop was to be wrapped up like a burrito. Which wasn’t super practical with a regular blanket. This blanket would be amazing.” – Anonymous feedback

My name is Evan Goodman. I’m a pediatric, psychiatric nurse, RN. I work with Autistic children and adults, as well as patients with cognitive deficits. I have extensive experience in de-escalation and coping strategies for upset patients and students. I’m currently working to bring one of our most useful tools, the SafeBlanket out of the hospital and into the home.