My son asked that I share this

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:May 23, 2019

Gavin has been a Sonic fan for most of his life. Sonic is also one of the main characters in his Schizophrenic hallucinations. We hear about Sonic all the time, and while we can’t see him, he often accompanies us where ever we go.

Anyway, the point is, Sonic is very important to Gavin.

It’s been a good while since Gavin spent time drawing. He’s usually too busy running missions with Sonic and the rest of his superhero team. The other day, however, Gavin came downstairs after having drawn and colored this picture of Sonic. He’s super proud of himself and asked that I share his work with my readers. ☺

I’m always thrilled when my kids are creative, and I’m also excited to share my kid’s artwork. I think art is such an important part of life and we don’t always get enough exposure to it.

This is Gavin’s most recent drawing and surprise surprise; it’s a picture of Sonic. ☺

Gavin asked me to explain that the seven colors in the background represent the seven chaos emeralds.


Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Bravo! I have a difficult time starting drawings, much less finishing. It’s a great drawing, Gavin!