#Autism parenting can feel so defeating for so many different reasons

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  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:October 26, 2018

I’m feeling incredibly overwhelmed today. I know that sorta seems like the current trend but the truth is the truth and whether it’s pleasant or not is irrelevant.

I wish I could pinpoint the cause of these feelings but there’s simply too much going on that’s creating undo stress, to know up form down. Things like depression, financial problems, physical/emotional health struggles and even safety issues where we live, all play a roll.

The day didn’t get off on a good foot. While the boys are doing a bit better as the day goes on, they won’t make it to school.

Gavin is being Gavin this morning and while I’d never want him to be anyone other than himself, his constant need to narrate he life is driving me crazy.

I can’t adequately explain how much his nonstop talking can errode away my already endangered sanity. Every question, random thought and play by play of whatever he’s doing, slowly but surely chips away at me. Over time, it does serious damage. I’ve said this many times before but we could put Gavin in an interrogation room with an unbreakable suspect and Gavin would talk at him until the suspect breaks.

I know this is a huge part of why I’m struggling right now but to there are many other pieces and parts as well.

There are so many things that need to get done in our life and my ability to address these things is significantly limited by all the responsibility that comes with being a full-time caregiver to multiple people.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Megan

    Im just wondering about respite. A lot of families qualify for occasional respite and im guessing yours would too. I know you said you didnt want to in the past because of the boys, but the boys are getting older now and it sounds like with some slow introductions, might even get along with whomever. Just a question ive been thinking about!

  2. kimmy gebhardt

    Is Gavin not going on missions in his room anymore? It seems like you mention him talking (and making you a little batty 😉 ) a lot lately. Can he go spend the afternoon with Lizze’s parents? I know your mom probably has her hands full with your grandpa so she’s probably not able to help as much as she might like. Can Lizze take over for an evening so you can go hang out with one of your brothers or something?

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