Mightier Review

Before we get into this Mightier review, I want to explain something. Many companies approach me, claiming they have the next big thing that will change the lives of autism families. With few exceptions, they almost always fail to deliver. I’m very careful when it comes to recommending something to my readers,
I was recently approached by Neuromotion Labs. They invited me to try out their program called Mightier. It was explained to me that Mightier helps kids learn to manage their emotions. The idea is pretty simple. Your child wears a wrist strap heart rate monitor and plays video games. It’s not solely for kids with autism either. According to Mightier, any child can benefit from this program because it’s based on biofeedback. Kids with autism, ADHD, ODD do particularly well, and after 10 weeks of use, parents see a 60%+ reduction in meltdowns, a 40% decrease in oppositional behavior, and a 19% reduction in parental stress.
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These claims are impressive but I went into this a skeptic because I couldn’t imagine how playing video games would help a child learn to better manage their emotional states. My goal as a parent has always been to limit screen time. How could screentime help reduce meltdowns? I was skeptical but I decided to give it a try. Mightier is backed up by Harvard Medical and Boston Children’s Hospital and that’s impressive. If Mightier could improve my son’s life, I’m willing to give it a go.
I recently interviewed Dr. Jason Kahn on my podcast. Jason is a Developmental Psychologist, co-founder, and Chief Science Officer at Mightier. We talk about how Mightier works and how it can help kids and families better manage COVID19 lockdown. Listen above.
What is Mightier?
Mightier has been around for a long time. Developed and tested at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, the idea was to help kids better identify and manage their emotions. Emotional self-regulation is a vital skill that many kids struggle with, not just kids with autism, or ADHD. Mightier was actually designed for kids in general and it wasn’t until later that it was found to be especially helpful to kids on the autism spectrum.
Mightier works with popular video game developers to create an extensive library for players with different interests and skill levels. The Mightier component is integrated into these already amazing games.
How Does it Work?
It’s recommended that kids play just 45 minutes a week. There are no particular requirements in regards to scheduling these sessions. Whatever works best for your family is fine. We tend to go over that 45-minute mark and that’s okay because it works well for us.
The games are actually really cool and lots of fun. Your child wears the Mightier band (which is sensory-friendly) while playing the game. The band essentially controls the difficulty setting of the game. When your child is frustrated, and their heart rate goes into the red, the game is impacted, becoming more difficult to play. The gameplay returns to normal when the child uses the skills they learn to calm down and reduce their heart rate.
Over time, your child begins to associate positive things with managing their emotions in a more productive, healthy way. It’s also important to know that your subscription (more on the subscription later) includes access to a master’s level behavioral specialist. They are there to help you create a custom behavioral plan for your child and overcome any obstacles along the way. Basically, you work as a team to help your child. It’s all included and incredibly helpful, especially considering how many parents don’t currently have access to this type of service.

Why Does it Work?
I’ll break this down into its simplest form. Mightier is biofeedback for kids.
Biofeedback is the process of gaining greater awareness of many physiological functions primarily using instruments that provide information on the activity of those same systems, with a goal of being able to manipulate them at will. Wikipedia
Basically, your child learns to recognize when they are getting upset, frustrated, angry, or overwhelmed, and then deal with it in a constructive manner. They are shown ways that they can slow their heart rate down and get themselves calm or relaxed. As they practice these skills, the heart rate drops back into the blue and they are rewarded with better gaming experiences. Basically, they have more fun when they keep themselves calm. Your child will be able to defuse themselves before a meltdown even occurs if that makes sense. They can see their heart rate go up and down in realtime in response to how they feel. They learn there’s an obvious benefit to managing their emotions.
In other words. Mightier helps kids to become more self-aware of how they feel. They learn to recognize the signs that they are getting upset and then do things to calm themselves down before a meltdown or outburst occurs. They recognize the immediate impact on their game but eventually apply these same skills to everyday life.
Use the code “theautismdad22” at checkout and save 10%
As your child progresses through the games, they earn acorns which are the in-game currency. Acorns allow your child to unlock more games and continue to advance.
New games are introduced on a regular basis the whole thing is very simple to navigate. The current library has 25+ games, including two recipients of the Apple Editors Choice award and two games with more than a million downloads.
Sciency Stuff:
- After 10 weeks of use, the average family sees a 62% reduction in outbursts, a 40% reduction in oppositional behaviors, and a 19% reduction in parent stress.
- Three studies across seven years showed that kids built skills, behavior improved and stress at home declined.
- Mightier had years of both inpatient and outpatient clinical testing as well as in-home pilot programs before commercially launching.

- Boston Children’s Hospital
October 24, 2012
Video game with biofeedback teaches children to curb their anger. Read more - Harvard Magazine
Jan – Feb 2011
Gaming the emotions. Read more - Clinicaltrials.gov Whitepaper
RAGE Control: Regulate and Gain Emotional Control Learn more - Partners Healthcare
RAGE-Control: Teaching emotional self-regulation through video gameplay Learn more
Download the Mightier Scientific Overview PDF
What’s Included and What Does It Cost?
Mightier is subscription-based. The pricing language on their site is confusing and I hear that pretty frequently from parents. My understanding is they are working to clarify it. I went ahead and did a full breakdown of the pricing, in this Mightier review in order to eliminate any confusion. This way you’ll know exactly what to expect should you decide to try this out.
Here’s the breakdown:
The cost is $40/month with a 30-day money back guarantee.
One subscription works for the whole family and includes:
- A Mightier heart sensor
- The Mightier Game App with 25+ games
- The Mightier Parent App to track your child’s process
- Monthly Skill Packs to explore emotions
- Access to the Mightier Family Care Team for tech and program support
- Optional tablets are available at no cost if you do not have one at home
- Visit Mightier at https://www.mightier.com/plans-promo/ and use the code “theautismdad” at checkout to save 10%.
- Please note that there is a $25 shipping charge for shipping internationally.
There are significant discounts for prepaid six-month and twelve-month subscriptions as well.
If you’re a professional, they have professional plans as well. Click here for more information.
There is significant value here. It begins with a full 90 Day Risk-Free Trial and includes everything you need to get going. This is ideal for the entire family and can dramatically improve the quality of life for your child and yourself.
My Family’s Experience
Emmett is an absolutely brilliant kid, but he struggles with meltdowns and outbursts. His high level of intelligence can be disarming at times and lead to some unique challenges. I often forget that he’s emotionally delayed. Emmett struggles with outbursts and meltdowns when he’s frustrated, anxious or overwhelmed. This is a daily occurrence.
Use the code “theautismdad22” at checkout and save 10%
After using Mightier for a few weeks, Emmett is practicing the calming techniques taught within the games. Doing so keeps his heart rate in the normal range and the games more enjoyable. It’s cause and effect and he’s recognizing that. I even see him applying things like taking deep breaths to situations in real life, especially with his brothers. Just the other day I overheard him arguing with his brother. I tend to let them go because they need to learn to work things out. I keep a close eye on them, just in case. When things got to be too quiet, I went to check on them. Emmett was sitting on the couch taking deep breaths. I was completely blown away. As a parent, it’s such an awesome feeling to see my kids not only growing physically but emotionally as well.
We’ve been trying for years to help him regulate his emotions. He’s been in OT, PT, and cognitive behavioral therapy and it took something like Mightier for him to connect the dots. I expect that as time goes on, he will continue to better manage his emotions and that’s amazing.

I Did Have Some Concerns
Honestly, I was a little concerned that Emmett would become frustrated with the process, and throw the tablet across the room. Fortunately, the opposite happened. He really likes it. I feel like it empowers him because he recognizes that he has control over his emotions. That’s a huge realization and a very positive thing in his life.
Emmett loves Mightier and plays it throughout the week. He likes the games and is gaining a better understanding of how his body reacts to stress, as well as ways he can calm his body down.
What Other Parents Are Saying

I would recommend Mightier to my family and friends because any child can benefit from these skills, and it works. I believe Mightier is a must-have tool for any parent. This is especially true for parents of kids with autism, and ADHD because of the increased need for help with emotional self-regulation.
Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical both back Mightier. The way Mightier approaches things is very friendly to kids of any age. It’s engaging, intuitive, and relevant. Most importantly, it works.
Secondly, Mightier includes professional help. You get access to the Mightier Family Support Team and they will help you overcome any obstacles you might find along the way.
Mightier is a must-have parenting tool for any parent
I know how difficult managing meltdowns can be. I know it’s exhausting, overwhelming, frustrating, and heartbreaking. One of my missions has always been to help connect people with things that can improve their quality of life. This is especially true for my fellow autism parents. We need all the help we can get. I need all the help I can get. This is a tool that can help your child learn to manage their emotions. When your child experiences fewer meltdowns, their quality of life is increased. Honestly, that’s less stress for the rest of the family as well.
I cannot recommend Mightier enough. It’s simple, fun, kids love it, parents love it, and it actually works. You have 90 days to try is out and if you decide you don’t like it or it’s not a good fix, simply return it for a full refund.
I completely stand behind Mightier. You can click the button below to check out their website and learn more.
Use the code “theautismdad22” at checkout and save 10%
Additional Resources:
- Check out my updated review for 2020: Click Here
- Frequently Asked Questions: Click Here
- Find out what other parents are saying about Mightier: Click Here
- The Science and Research behind Mightier: Click Here
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I’m not ashamed to admit that I need all the help I can get. Anything that makes life easier for my kids and improves their quality of life, makes things easier for me and reduces my overall stress levels. I’m seeing fewer meltdowns when Emmett uses Mightier and that makes things easier and more pleasant for everyone in my house. I’m utilizing every tool in my arsenal in order to get us through this and Mightier is one of those tools. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Disclaimer: If you make a purchase from a link on this site, I may receive a commission. This helps me support my family and my advocacy efforts.
Maybe in time it will help Emmett with the stress of going to school. Interesting to see if his stomach issues and nightmares decrease.
Thank you for your review Rob. You’ve convinced me to try it out for my daughter who is on the spectrum and diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder. Glad to see this is helping you and your family, I hope it can do the same with mine.
Hello, I am interested in trying this for my 2 boys who have serious tantrum and trauma-induced anger from foster care. My main concern is limiting the use to 45 minutes a week. One they are on a screen, the tantrum comes when it’s time to turn it off. If you have thpuights or advice, I’d appreciate it. Thanks!
You don’t have to limit it to 45 mins. They suggest a minimum of 45 mins a week. You have to find what works best for your family. My son has used it for more than 45 minutes a week. They also has professional support who can help you navigate some of these things as well. That’s a great question and I’m happy to help.
Are there any current promo codes for this program?
Hey Ashley. I don’t believe there are any. I’m sorry. Basically, there are 3 options. The first is $40/month for as long as you wish to maintain. The second is a 6 month prepaid subscription for $204 and a 12 month prepaid subscription for $336. If you do the math, you save about $150/year with the 12 month prepaid subscription. It just depends on what you want to do. Everything comes with a 30 no questions asked return and refund guarantee.
If I had any codes, I’d pass them along and if I learn of any, I’ll do the same. ☺
Thanks for the reply. I was also curious about your experience with their parenting coaches? Is there a limit of how many times you can speak with them? How easy are they to get ahold of and what types of support can they offer? Sorry for all the questions. Our son has been to psychologists and psychiatrists, most do not want to spend the time with CBT or coping skills, instead just like to offer a diagnosis and medication which can be frustrating. Thanks again!
Okay. To be completely honest, I think they are changing the way that works and I’m unsure of how it works now. Just dug this out of my email. I’ve not experienced this personally but I never really needed the coach. I’m lucky enough to have an amazing team of specialists. I did test out the parenting couch when I reviewed this and it was impressive. This seems like it might actually be better.
Can a 4 year old use this program?
Yes. Some parents I’ve talked to use it with kids as young as 2. The younger the child, the more parent involvement might be helpful at first. But yes, the age guidelines are like 4-17
I am a professional counselor and work with the head start programs. This sounds like a good tool that could be used to help our children that have severe behaviors, especially those with Autism and Oppositional defiant/ADHD behaviors. Will check with administration about this as a tool that can be used in the classroom. Would love some feedback on your thoughts as to how this might work in this type of setting.
Absolutely. Please email me through my contact page. ☺
We have enough tablets, Android and iPads. Can it be purchased without a tablet?
The tablet is included. No extra cost.
If you stop your monthly subscription at some point do the device and games still work?
The heart rate monitor and tablet will still physically function, but the app and all the support that comes with it, will cease to function because it’s subscription based.
Hi…my eight year old daughter has sensory issues and ADHD, She has been having tantrums since she was two. I feel like we’ve tried every intervention you can think of including meds. She’s better managed on meds, but she still has the roots of coping difficulties. When I watch this video, I envision her not wanting to give it a try because her tantrums are a source of vulnerability for her. I can also see her throwing the device across the room. Have you found that it truly engages kids – even those who struggle severely?
Also, I don’t understand from the videos how much this costs.
Thank you for your help.
Maggie, sorry about the delay. First of all, thanks for your question. The cost is about $28/month for everything. As for her throwing it across the room, I honestly don’t know. These games are fun and engaging. Controlling your emotions is worked into it in a way that adds value to the experience. My kids never found it frustrating and my youngest is very easily frustrated. It’s biofeedback and the idea is they learn without realizing they’re learning. If you click one of the links above, you can check out their site and sign up for a 30 day trial. If it doesn’t work or you don’t like it, you can just return it. I’ve not personally had anyone come back and tell me it didn’t help.
I wouldn’t endorse them is I didn’t truly believe in what they were offering. If I can be of any help, feel free to email me directly. ☺
Thank you for your reply. We ordered one for our kids and so far it’s going well (-:
Has she thrown it across the room? This was my exact thought about if my own kid tried the device, that she would just throw it across the room in frustration!
Did your son ever get frustrated and just quit the games?
Yes. It’s a process and over time, he did better and better. Are you having problems or just questions?
Just questions. I haven’t ordered anything. I can foresee it being too frustrating that he just throws his hands in the air and just quits the game and refuses to play it again.
Okay, so I don’t think it’s meant to get the kids that frustrated. It’s sorta helps them to see cause and effect. The games don’t become impossible to play, they just become more challenging. He’s rewarded as he calms down and lowers his heart rate. Honestly, Emmett is very easily frustrated and he does very well. They have people who can help with navigating some of these challenges. I’m happy to help in any way that I can. Worst case, you try it and you have 30 days to test it out. If you want, feel free to email me through my contact page and we can talk via email if that’s easier.
I’m looking into Mightier and came across your review Do your kids still use it and has it helped longer term?
I love this program. I used it mostly with my youngest. While he’s not using it as much as I’d like, the skills he learned are carried over into everyday life. He carries those with him and will do so going forward. He’s doing so much better in regards to managing his emotions. Don’t get me wrong, there will likely always be some level of difficulty but it’s a big step forward.
The main reason he’s not using it daily is just because there’s been a tremendous amount of upheaval in our lives this summer and we’re not doing a lot of things that we should be because we’re in survive mode.
If you try it, use the links in this post. I’ll get credit and that helps me continue my efforts here. If it doesn’t work or you just don’t like it, you can return it. They’re really good about that.
If you’re interested, here’s a link to my interview with its creator.. ☺
Mightier is having a Cyber Monday sale in which visitors can get $25 off by using the code MIGHTYMONDAY (all caps).
Hi- I’m wondering what ages this would be appropriate for? There really isn’t guidance in their webpage. My son is 12. Thanks!
This is a really old post. Please visit theautismdad.com/mightier for all the up to date information. To answer your question directly, the suggested ages are 4-14 but it’s not written in stone. I’ve seen much older kids using it, as well as adults. There are kids as young as 2 using it together, with their parents. Check out the review, I have all the information you need and if you have any questions, whatsoever, please email me and I’ll happily help. ☺