The boys celebrated their last day of school today. Both had great days and both have mixed feelings about the summer break. They’re both excited to be out of school for the summer but at the same time, they’re going to miss it as well.
If I hadn’t mentioned this before (but I have about a gazillion times), kids with Autism don’t usually do well with change.

It’s something that parents like myself, dread more than many other things in our lives because a disruption in one’s routine can lead to massive meltdowns. Routine is paramount to maintaining everyone’s sanity but it’s not always easy or even possible.
With that in mind, we are bracing ourselves for a challenging week or so. Hopefully, everything will balance out in short order and the boys will successfully adapt to the change, without pushing us straight over the edge.
Anyway, we celebrated with a special dinner, as well as watched a movie.
It would be nice if the boys slept in a little bit and we could at least sleep past 6:30 AM.