I’m suddenly not feeling well

All of a sudden, I've started not feeling well. It's not really anything new and it's probably still the Paxil related stuff because it still is impacting me. On one hand, it sucks to feel like this all the time. On the other hand, things do seem to be getting better, albeit slowly. I simply need some down time to regroup and work through the nausea. I also need to seriously pound some water and make sure I'm properly hydrated. At this point, I'm miserable but I'm so incredibly grateful to have made it this far. I'm working through this and truly hope to keep making progress until I come out the other end of this tunnel. I'm still not anti-medication and I still recognize how important these types of…


It was just the guys today

Lizze has been out with her Mom all day and that means it's just been us. We spent the afternoon watching the Cavs beat the Pacers, we decided to go to the park. The boys went exploring and Pokémon hunting. Gavin wandered around aimlessly for a little while but had fun. Spring is definitely out in full force here in Ohio. All I need to do now is figure out dinner. I've no idea what we're gonna do for dinner. No one can agree on anything and I'm not in the mood for this much indecision.... 😳 [foogallery id="79481"]


A Gavin Update: It’s fricking exhausting

Gavin's been spending more and more time, locked away in his room lately. Some of this time revolves around his tablet and some of it around missions. He's not really talking about his missions a whole lot anymore. The last time he said something about them, was a few days ago and it'd been awhile before that. It's difficult to really grasp exactly what's going on with Gavin because while he talks constantly, it's not usually about anything meaningful. He never talks much about how he feels but instead talks a great deal about the games on his tablet. In fact, I don't think he knows how to talk about anything else. After the race yesterday, my parents wanted to treat everyone to some ice cream. It was the five…


Rough Night

We all had a great day yesterday but it might have been a bit too exciting for Elliott. Elliott and Emmett were both bouncing off the walls last night and we had a terrible time settling them down. Bedtime was quite difficult because they were so overstimulated by all the excitement. It was so bad that Elliott never fell asleep last night. He tried and was on Melatonin but he was too amped up to shutdown. I was up with him until almost 4 AM but finally passed out shortly after. It's going to be a really long day because Elliott will likely have a rough day because he's beyond tired. Thankfully, he's in a decent mood. I suppose it's all about the little things today..