Gavin’s appointment with the Adult Epilepsy Central at the Cleveland Clinic went as well as could be expected. His EEG went fine physically but we won’t have any results back until later this week.
They did seem to take note of abnormalities but there was nothing I could pick up on for sure. If this has been an EKG, I’d be all over it but I can’t read EEG’s.
Gavin was really cooperative and made lots of awkward attempts to engage the techs in conversation. 😁
I think they really enjoyed working with him because Gavin was so polite and courteous the entire time. EEG’s are not comfortable, especially for someone on the Autism Spectrum, dealing with several Sensory Processing Disorder.
I was told to call back if I haven’t heard anything by Friday of this week. Typically, bad news travels fast so if I don’t hear something in the next day or so, we’re probably looking good.
I’m really grateful to the staff at the Cleveland Clinic Adult Epilepsy Center because they were so good with Gavin and very patient with his involuntary movements, of which there are many. They were really cool to him.
Now we’re off to grab some lunch before we hit The Cole Eye Institute. This is the appointment that I’m most worried about. Hopefully, we’ll transition between appointments without an major hangups.
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