The boys are off to school and the car’s in the shop. I opted to get that done first thing this morning because it made more sense to do it right away rather than wait until this afternoon. It will sit there for awhile but at least that part of the day is already done.
I picked up the brake pads and unfortunately, I ended up having to pay for rotors as well. It’s not a huge deal because I should be getting a check this week but until it shows up and it’s already 30 days late, I can’t count on it.
With all that being done already, I can focus on getting some writing done this morning.
I was going to try for a shorter work out today but I’m going to wait until my back heals up. The cyst is in a place where working out would definitely not be helpful.
Outside of that, I’m feeling pretty good today. I’m tired but my goal is to push through it and move forward today.