It’s not very often that I become aware of a product or service that I absolutely love. In the past, it’s really only been Vivint Home and Project Lifesaver.
Having said that, I was recently introduced to a company called U-Lace. They may sound familiar and that’s because you probably saw them on Shark Tank. As for myself, I missed that episode and so I’m learning about them now.
Before I get into my brief review, I want to show you the unboxing video for U-Lace, so you can see for yourself what they’re all about. 🙂
As the above video demonstrated, U-Lace helps people gain independence by transforming tie shoes into slip-ons. This can be of enormous benefit to people with Autism, fine motor issues, arthritis or even cognitive problems that make tying shoes very difficult.

U-Lace does this by replacing the shoelaces currently in your shoes with six smallish, individual, elastic U-Laces. They are incredibly easy to install and unlike some of the alternatives that you can get online, they are durable and don’t pop out.
These are incredibly affordable and can replace your existing laces for less than $5 per shoe. They come in a multitude of colors and can likely match any color shoe you have.
You install them by simply pushing the end of the U-Lace, through the holes on each side of your shoe. It’s really that simple.
I’m not really sure what else there is to say that wasn’t in the video above. They’re simple to use, do what they’re supposed to and do it well.
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Both Elliott and I have been wearing the sample shoes with the U-Laces installed and they fit very snug, but not too tight and never wanted to slip off while we were walking or even running.
I love these and can’t stress enough, how much this could benefit anyone who struggles with tying their shoes.
If you want to give them a try, you can do so risk-free by visiting their store. You can use promo code “TheAutismDad” 15% of your total order.
What I can tell you for sure is that they work great for us, and could do the same for you. ☺