Lizze is having a really rough time right now. If you follow our story, you might recall that Lizze has migraines almost every single day. They range from I can breathe through this to someone fucking kill me.
The last day or so, it’s been really bad and while she’s pushed though most of the day, it’s heartbreaking to see her in so much pain.
She’s never really responded to any conventional treatment and even underwent botox, in a desperate attempt to find some relief. Unfortunately, she’s in the minority who react badly to botox. By badly, I’m referring to the side effect that can make her migraines significantly worse.
While we were with Gavin’s neurologist last week, he could see how much pain Lizze was in and was asking her questions about her symptoms/medical history.
Lizze was diagnosed with POTS and Ehlers Danlos a couple years ago. As it turns out, migraines and Fibromyalgia have been linked to either POTS or Ehlers Danlos. She has both and this could explain why she doesn’t find relief with migraine treatments.
He told her that she needs to try taking something called Migravent. Apparently, a lot of his patients with POTS, who can’t find relief elsewhere, have found relief through this OTC supplement.
Gavin’s neurologist is literally one of the very best in the world, and if he says try this, we’re going to try it.
I’ve been researching it and this supplement comes hugely recommended by the world’s top neurologists. It’s been around for over a decade and it shouldn’t interact with other medications.
Lizze doesn’t have high hopes this but I think if there’s even a chance it could help, it’s worth it.