I think Emmett had a pretty good birthday. He had received his birthday gift early from us, but we had a special dinner tonight. We’re actually going to officially celebrate on Friday or Saturday.
We were going to go to Chuck E Cheeses, and use the guest passes we received after our horrible visit a few weeks ago.
Unfortunately, they were crazy busy and we decided to put that off for another day.
We’ve sorta started a new tradition with the kids. Lizze and I will take the birthday boy out for some special time as Emmett calls it. Right now, Emmett is debating between Chuck E Cheeses, and going to see the new Transformers movie.
My vote is for the movie, but whatever makes him happy. ☺
I did want to share some pictures of Emmett when he was born. He was so tiny, preemie diapers were too big. You can see in a couple of pictures, how jaundice he was.
If you’re wondering why there are no pictures of Emmett with Gavin at this age, it’s because Gavin was extremely dangerous during this time period. It simply wasn’t safe. Things have since improved dramatically. ☺
That was a beautiful piece. He is a beautiful child.
Super cute!
That was a beautiful piece. He is a beautiful child.
Cute pic.
Your boys are beautiful!
Thank you very much. I can only take 50% of the credit though.. Lol
Super cute!
Cute pic.
Your boys are beautiful!
Thank you very much. I can only take 50% of the credit though.. Lol