On this day back in 2008, Mr. Emmett John was brought into this world, after a hard fought, very complicated pregnancy. He came early, just like Elliott.
I remember being terrified that something was going to be wrong, but for the most part, he was fully developed, happy and healthy. He came home on time but made a few return trips for severe jaundice, and concerns over apnea.
We’ve been through a great deal with him in his short life thus far, and he’s overcome so many obstacles.
He was believed to deaf, and nonverbal Autistic. It took many years but he just started talking one day and hasn’t stopped. The Autism part would prove to be true, but it turns out he wasn’t deaf, he was simply tuning everything out.
It was like one day, everything just clicked, and he was responding to verbal prompts, as well as talking.
He still faces many challenges in regards to Autism, expressive language, sensory processing, anxiety, and a very rare fever disorder that can turn his life upside down at times.
That being said, he’s sweet, scary smart, wise beyond his years, and an absolute joy to have in our lives. I couldn’t imagine my life without him in it. Perhaps that’s because he’s always glued to me, and it would be like imagining life without my leg or something. lol
It could also be that I just love him so much, and couldn’t be any prouder of him. He’s come such a long way already, and I can’t wait to see where life takes him.
Happy 9th birthday Emmett. I love you more than words can say. ♥
Happy Birthday Emmett
Thank you
Happy Birthday Emmett
Thank you