We had some impromptu fun this afternoon

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  • Post last modified:March 18, 2020

Lizze is hanging out with her Mom for a bit, while the boys and I go from the school to the Garden Center. We of course, made a brief stop home to pick up Pokémon Go equipment before heading off to hunt. Some of these Pokémon are hard to find. It would be really interesting to go overlanding or off roading and see what we can find. Lizze and I used to do that when we first met. Obviously, Pokémon go wasn’t around then but the off roading part was so much fun.


I’m really happy that Lizze got a chance to spend some time with her Mom. Lizze doesn’t leave the house all the often because of social anxiety.

She’s not spent time with her Mom like this since they went on a Ghost Tour a couple of months ago. Anyway, I’m happy for her. ☺

The boys and I did our thing and they got some exercise while catching Pokémon. That’s a win win in my book. Now it’s time for snacks and homework. Hopefully, that will go as well as the rest of the afternoon has thus far.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

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