It’s Spring Break and I’m trying not to stress out over it

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 1, 2018

Today marks the first official week of Spring Break. This means that the boys will be home all week. 

Spring Break is like a practice run for Summer Vacation. We get a chance to remember how challenging it is before we’re thrown into roughly one hundred days of the boys being home. 

I really enjoy the boys being home but we need to plan for things that will keep them occupied, and TV/video games will only make up a tiny part of those plans. 

Things are a bit tight financially because I lost a good chunk of my income and that’s actually something I need to talk about, but in a different entry. 

I’m not sure how the weather’s going to hold up this week. If it’s nice, we can do some outdoor things. The boys love Pokémon hunting and that gets them moving outside. We can also do some light hiking at one of our local parks called Quayle Hallow. 

Lizze has never been there but the boys and I went hiking there during the before. It’s beautiful during the summer and fall, but we’ll avoid it like the plague if it’s been raining. 😁 

I’m trying to remain positive because doing so helps get things off on the right foot. I have quite a few worries at the moment but I really want to be a positive example for the kids, and make this a great Spring Break for all of us. 

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

This Post Has 2 Comments

    1. Rob Gorski

      Lucky you…. ☺

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