It’s a little after midnight and poor Elliott is absolutely miserable. He’s got a ton of post nasal stuff going on and he doesn’t do well with that. He’s actually been quite close to puking and we all know how I feel about that.. 😁
He tried sleeping in his bed and then ours but couldn’t manage to fall asleep. The best option for him is to sleep on the love seat, where he can comfortably sit up and fall asleep.
This helps with the drainage and that puts him in a better place to get some sleep.
While I’m happy to camp out with Elliott in the living room, especially if it’s providing him comfort, I’m less enthusiastic because I love my new mattress. In the past, the couch was so much more comfortable but not anymore.
Anyway, Elliott’s playing video games for a little bit and will hopefully be able to fall asleep once the benadryl kicks in a drys him up a bit.
Update: As I was publishing this entry, we were joined by Mr. Emmett, who seems to be following in the same path as his older brother. Unfortunately, this is going to be a very uncomfortable night because Emmett wants to physically sleep on me. O_o
I’m definitely earning my keep tonight… ☺