General update and a new problem

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 1, 2018

We had a pretty good day blah blah blah… Check out the video of me talking to the boys about their day. I’m not trying to rush this but I want to get to something else before I’m too tired to finish this post.
Moving on, we’re having a new issue as of late and tonight makes the fourth night in a row. This issue is in regards to Elliott’s new found inability to fall asleep at night. 

This has been a very recent turn of events. He’s had issues falling asleep on and off but this seems different. He’s not able to fall asleep until well after midnight. 

I’m not sure what’s going on or what’s changed but somethings definitely going on. 

Lizze and I are sleeping in the living room tonight because our room is torn apart and we ran out of time this evening. Elliott came down a few minutes ago, unable sleep but there’s no room in the inn tonight, so he’s got to make it work in his own bed. 
We actually spent a great deal of time at therapy tonight talking about this new sleep issue and ways we could help Elliott. In the morning, we meet with the school for Elliott’s ETR meeting . We’ll make sure there isn’t anything going on at school that could be upsetting him. 

Outside of this, I don’t know what else we can do. 

At this point, I’m just grateful that changing the lighting has helped Emmett to sleep, so I’m not dealing with both at the same time. The lighting change isn’t related to Elliott’s sleep issues. The lights were changed out weeks ago and this is fairly new. 

For now, I’m exhausted and I’m going to take advantage of whatever sleep I can get tonight. 

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Kim Gebhardt

If he was able to fall asleep in his own bed because there wasn’t a couch available, I’d take that as a good sign. It means that you don’t have to sleep on the couch just because he says he can’t sleep. You are probably not going to want to hear this, but I think sometimes you do more harm than good with their issues. You are the one who gives in because you think that everything has to do with their various diagnoses and I think you tend to overcompensate for that. Meanwhile, when I read Lizze’s blog, she seems to be seeing things from a different and oft times clearer angle. I think she sometimes sees their manipulative behavior for what it is whereas you don’t think such things are possible.

Becky Wiren

Good job.

Kim Gebhardt

If he was able to fall asleep in his own bed because there wasn’t a couch available, I’d take that as a good sign. It means that you don’t have to sleep on the couch just because he says he can’t sleep. You are probably not going to want to hear this, but I think sometimes you do more harm than good with their issues. You are the one who gives in because you think that everything has to do with their various diagnoses and I think you tend to overcompensate for that. Meanwhile, when I read Lizze’s blog, she seems to be seeing things from a different and oft times clearer angle. I think she sometimes sees their manipulative behavior for what it is whereas you don’t think such things are possible.

Becky Wiren

Good job.