As we begin the new week, I’m feeling hopeful that things will be getting better. There will be new doors opening for us and I’m very optimistic that we can make some forward progress.
It’s also going to be a rather busy week as well. At last count, we have roughly a dozen appointments before the end of the week but most of them are local. That’s always a good thing..
Emmett and Gavin will have Speech and Occupational Therapy on Tuesday. Both of them are looking forward to that.
On the topic of Occupational Therapy, there will be a big change in store for Emmett. He’s going to begin working with a peer during therapy and that’s really cool. It gives him a chance to practice his social skills in the arena of real life and at the same time, make a new friend.
I did forget to mention that Elliott’s on the wait list for Occupational Therapy but still has about three more months left to wait.
I’m looking forward to taking on the week and all that entails.