My son is being bullied again at school 

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  • Post comments:14 Comments
  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:May 8, 2018

It’s been a couple of months since we’ve had any issues with this kid that’s bullying Elliott at school. I thought we were past all this crap. In fact, I even stopped asking about it because every time I asked Elliott, there wasn’t a single issue.

As Elliott was getting into the car today after school, I could see on his face that something was wrong.

Before I could even ask what was wrong, he said don’t bother asking about my day today because it was a terrible or something to that extent. 🙁

Of course I asked him anyway and he unloaded his frustration.

Apparently, this same kid began taunting Elliott in class.  He was telling Elliott that he had taken something from him and it was in his pocket. Elliott was upset because he didn’t know what this kid had stolen from him.  

Both Elliott and his friend who stood up for him wanted to tell his teacher right away but we’re afraid to do so for fear of losing a point for disrupting the class. They told their teacher at the break and it sounds like she spoke with this kid but nothing was done as far as consequences go.

This kid also began accusing Elliott of stealing things. That really upsets Elliott because he would never do anything like that.

Long story short, the school bully is back at it again. Hopefully, this was a one-time occurrence but regardless, I’ve got a message out to the teachers and I’ll speak with the office in the morning.

Trying to tell Elliott how to handle this is hard because I don’t want him getting in trouble. I do want him standing up for himself. If this kid accuses him of stealing again, I want him to shout what! What am I stealing? Telling me exactly what I’m stealing and if you can’t, sit down and shut up because I’ve not stolen anything. 

Something like that because Elliott tries to reason with this kid and that’s just not working. Fingers crossed that tomorrow is a better day..

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Erik Dapcich

    How do you not go nuclear? I’d be out for blood

  2. marjorieromeo10

    A little assertiveness will address this. Since the school is on notice already, I would reassure him that he can go to the teachers.

    No reason to have him make a spectacle

  3. Avia Batya

    Don’t have him shout it, have him say it calmly and evenly as possible in a loud, clear voice. Bullshit is called out, others hear it, bully doesn’t get the rise out of Elliott that he sought.

  4. Erik Dapcich

    How do you not go nuclear? I’d be out for blood

  5. Dutch Stevens

    A little assertiveness will address this. Since the school is on notice already, I would reassure him that he can go to the teachers.

    No reason to have him make a spectacle

  6. Avia Batya

    Don’t have him shout it, have him say it calmly and evenly as possible in a loud, clear voice. Bullshit is called out, others hear it, bully doesn’t get the rise out of Elliott that he sought.

    1. Megan Leifer

      Thats not always the answer either. Unfortunately there are jerks out there and he needs to learn how to deal with them too… obviously if it continues or gets out of hand, then time to re-evaluate. But unfortunately people can be awful, and homeschooling would mean he’s miss out on all the day to day stuff he does enjoy :/

  7. Heidi

    Do they have a bully report? That must stop!

    1. Megan Leifer

      Thats not always the answer either. Unfortunately there are jerks out there and he needs to learn how to deal with them too… obviously if it continues or gets out of hand, then time to re-evaluate. But unfortunately people can be awful, and homeschooling would mean he’s miss out on all the day to day stuff he does enjoy :/

  8. Heidi

    Do they have a bully report? That must stop!

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