I was absolutely horrified by what my son with #Autism told me today

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  • Post comments:13 Comments
  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 1, 2018

Gavin shared something with us that came out of nowhere and caught us completely off guard. Gavin’s always talking about something and honestly it gets to the point where we have to filter him out at times. 

The other day, Gavin was talking to me about the random things that he always does. I had started to tune the talking out and had just about done so successfully, when I heard a name that I hadn’t heard in a really long time.  

I was instantly snapped back into the conversation and this is what Gavin told me. 

Continued on page 2

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Jan

    You and your family will be in my prayers!

  2. debrastretton69

    Comfort your son with peace, he is surrounded by and empowered by ❤️ love.
    The Love he has now is strong and true. L❤️VE gave your son the power to grow confident, powerful and free (severing) the pain of his past
    ✨Peace ❤️love is everlasting

  3. USAtweeting

    Comfort your son with peace, he is surrounded by and empowered by ❤️ love.
    The Love he has now is strong and true. L❤️VE gave your son the power to grow confident, powerful and free (severing) the pain of his past
    ✨Peace ❤️love is everlasting

  4. Stephanie Girard

    My son has autism and nightmares about his biological mother. His twin sister has neither. She will say things every now and then, but not like my son does. It breaks my heart to know she treated them the way she did.

  5. Stephanie Girard

    My son has autism and nightmares about his biological mother. His twin sister has neither. She will say things every now and then, but not like my son does. It breaks my heart to know she treated them the way she did.

  6. Maria Hall

    I’m so sad for Gavin. I’m also a adult who had been abused as a child and repressed much of it. It came out after my ex started hitting me and very real nightmares were the way they started. Let Patty handle it. I know this is hard he has so much to handle already it seems unfair for this to pop out but his brain is letting it through because he needs to deal with it. It’s not adult things, it is part of his very sad life story. You have to be able to understand that and manage your response and your emotions. Somewhere in his world this stuff matters and he is putting things in order. It’s his story and his memories. Love him thru it as I know you will. This is gonna hurt Lizze too because it will bring up all her pain again.

  7. Sarah Lou Tucker

    I’ve read somewhere PTSD is related to those who have autism – how utterly horrific for you all but at the same it’s good he trusts you enough to tell you this too. Much love

  8. Maria Hall

    I’m so sad for Gavin. I’m also a adult who had been abused as a child and repressed much of it. It came out after my ex started hitting me and very real nightmares were the way they started. Let Patty handle it. I know this is hard he has so much to handle already it seems unfair for this to pop out but his brain is letting it through because he needs to deal with it. It’s not adult things, it is part of his very sad life story. You have to be able to understand that and manage your response and your emotions. Somewhere in his world this stuff matters and he is putting things in order. It’s his story and his memories. Love him thru it as I know you will. This is gonna hurt Lizze too because it will bring up all her pain again.

  9. Earnest Diaz

    Awe poor little guy. You are great man to take of him and his siblings.

    I personally downloaded a dream dictionary app to get a better understanding of my dreams. It may help with understanding Gavin’s dream.

    You and your family are in my prayers.

  10. Joy Hilder

    so sad and traumatic for you both, thinking of u all, and u are more his father than the other idiot xxx

  11. Sarah Lou Tucker

    I’ve read somewhere PTSD is related to those who have autism – how utterly horrific for you all but at the same it’s good he trusts you enough to tell you this too. Much love

  12. Earnest Diaz

    Awe poor little guy. You are great man to take of him and his siblings.

    I personally downloaded a dream dictionary app to get a better understanding of my dreams. It may help with understanding Gavin’s dream.

    You and your family are in my prayers.

  13. Joy Hilder

    so sad and traumatic for you both, thinking of u all, and u are more his father than the other idiot xxx

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