Reflecting on this past weekend has taught me 3 things

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  • Post last modified:May 8, 2018

While my body and mind still feel that exhaustion, my heart and soul remember things like playing countless games of Uno and Sorry, far more than they do the exhaustion.

There were snuggles and movies. We spent time chasing the ferrets around the house. Chasing the ferrets is actually a game the boys and fetters have learned to play over the last year or so and it’s really funny.

The only major downside to the four day weekend is that it totally throws me off for the week. It feels like a Sunday and I’ll be a day behind for most of the week.

I totally forgot about Gavin’s IVIG infusion today because I thought it was Sunday. He still had it today but that’s just how the week is going to go.

As I’m closing out the day, I’m reflecting on how the long weekend went I’ve learned a few things.

  1. I have far more positive memories than unpleasant ones.
  2. Challenging really means exhausting to me.
  3. It appears that Aldi’s was a swing and a miss, at least in most cases.

I would have liked to take the boys to dinner, a movie or maybe the museum but it wasn’t possible this time but good things are coming and with it, the ability to do many of things we were unable to do before.

February first is going to be a new start for us. It will mark a huge step forward in our financial recovery, as well as our ability to do many of the things we’ve been wanting to do but unable to for financial reasons.

I know it’s been a long, winding and difficult road for us but 2017 is looking to be the start of better things… ☺

I hope you all have a great week…

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

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