I’ve been battling a little bit of insomnia for the last couple of nights. I’ve been under a fair amount of stress lately and it’s been hitting me in the sleep department. It’s been hitting me pretty bad…
I had a busy morning that didn’t slow down just because I was exhausted.
My Dad came by super early to help transport the exhaust system that broke off the car, over to the shop that was going to fix it. I had the car to the shop by 7:30 am and from there, waited for my ride home.
My Mom took the boys to school and then swung by to pick me up. On the way home, we both needed to hit the grocery store.
I was got some groceries and returned home before 9 am.
It was a somewhat busy morning but I powered through it. I did end up taking a nap but it really wasn’t much of a choice. I’m feeling much better at this point and I’m grateful that I was afforded the chance to sleep.