Sometimes this #Autism Dad just wants to feel normal

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  • Post last modified:April 4, 2018

My wife and I took the boys to see The Secret Life of Pets today at the dollar movies. Tickets were only $2 each and that’s something we could swing right now. 

Sometimes it’s really important to experience a sense of normalcy as a family.  

Autism and special needs families can often be financially challenged because of the significant costs associated with raising special needs children. I just fear an article today that suggested that each child with Autism can cost a family about $60,000/year on average.  

In our case, insurance covers a great deal but certainly not everything and I consider us blessed. 
It seems like there’s always an appointment, a struggle, a crisis or meltdown that seizes our attention and holds it for ransom. I’m aware that normal is a relative term but sometimes I just want to feel normal. 

I just have this need to feel like a typical family, a typical Dad. 

Taking the family out to a movie, even a cheap one, helps to break up the day and sorta wipe the slate clean of all the meltdowns or other Autism related parenting fiasco’s we deal with constantly. 

It helps us to experience a semi-normal family dynamic, even for a tiny bit. 

I know it’s only a matter of time before everyone hits their limits and we return to the chaos of Autism Parenting. In those moments before we return to what’s actually normal for us, I can pretend that everything’s okay and we aren’t battling major health issues or behavioral challenges.

I can pretend that my son isn’t facing life threatening health issues and my wife isn’t living life in constant, chronic pain. I can pretend that my two youngest aren’t so easily overwhelmed by pretty much everything life related. 

Sometimes I just really want to feel normal. Is that a crime? 

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

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