Gavin and I are supposed to be at the Cleveland Clinic this afternoon. The purpose of this trip is to see the urologist and figure how to help manage his bladder issues.
The decision that I have to make today is whether or not to go and here’s why.
Since Monday’s IVIG infusion, Gavin hasn’t had a single bladder issue. This is very likely the result of decreasing his Clozapine dose. While it’s good that he’s not having the bladder issues right now, it makes this appointment more difficult.
It’s become quite clear that the Clozapine is what was causing the bladder problems. Without him actually experiencing the problems, it makes it harder for the doctor to figure out what’s going on.
At this point, while I know the doctor may not be a key to help because he’s not experiencing the issues right now, we can conclusively rule out any type of structural or physical problems.
That will help by confirming the Clozapine is responsible.
I’m not looking forward to the trip but I am looking forward to being able to check something else off the list.