Here’s how Gavin’s trip to the dentist went

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  • Post last modified:April 4, 2018

I’m not a fan of the dentist but raking the boys has sorta put me at ease with it. Compared to me, my kids are super heros when it comes to going to the dentist. 

While Gavin and Elliott both went today, I’m going to focus a bit on them individually. 

The reason Gavin was going today was to fix his front tooth. No one knows what happened but part of the face of his front tooth had been sheared off. I asked the dentist about it today and he thinks it was just the way his tooth formed. 

Either way, there was a dark brown line running across his front left tooth. It was really rough and always collects whatever he had eaten. 

Like I said in an earlier post, Gavin is not very self-aware but this was something he was very self-conscious about.  I’m really happy to say that as of today, he no longer needs to feel that way because it’s all fixed. 

Gavin did really well and didn’t even need numbed up. 

The dentist had to shave or grind down the face, fill it and polish it. It looks really amazing and Gavin couldn’t be happier. 

I have to say that being able to help eliminate a burden that Gavin has to carry feels really good. This isn’t all about me but when we have to helplessly watch him go through all he does, it’s nice to finally be able to make a difference. 

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

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