This #Autism Dad took care of himself today and I hope you will do the same

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  • Post last modified:April 4, 2018

I took today off to take care of me. I should probably back track just a little bit. Elliott woke up at midnight Saturday morning and never went back to bed.

That meant a really broken, restless night for me because I had to be at least half awake all night.

I’m not sure what the deal was but Elliott just couldn’t fall asleep, despite really trying. I don’t know the how’s or why’s but I know he was really frustrated that he couldn’t find sleep.

Anyway, the boys all were delivered to my parents house this morning because they were going to spend the whole day with their Grandparents. They’re also spending the night and going to church before returning home on Sunday.

As soon as Lizze and I got home from dropping the boys off, I crashed. I couldn’t even see straight.

I ended up falling asleep in the morning and not waking up until around 5pm. I was dead to the world and didn’t even hear my phone ring. I was so incredibly tired, that I spent almost my entire day without kids, sleeping.

I needed that. My body and mind needed that.

Lizze enjoyed some time to herself and her art projects, while I was asleep. We spent the evening hanging out and finishing up season 2 of Empire…

We didn’t go anywhere or do anything going special. We just hung out and that was enough.

I really needed today. I’m kinda going through something and life has been a bit harder for me than normal. I’ll talk about that in another post.

For now, I just want to thank my parents for giving us a break today. Lizze and I are both very lucky to have parents on both sides, who are actively involved. They love spending ding time with their grandchildren and I wish every Autism family could count that among their blessings.

Sadly, I know that’s not the case for many and so I’m very careful, never to take any of this for granted.

I’m so grateful for our break and so I’ll end this on that positive note.

Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

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