Our Naughty Dog Caught On Camera: You have to see this to believe it (@vivinthome)

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 4, 2018

It’s been a really long night already and it’s not over yet.  The boys came home today and when we went tried to put them in bed, we ran into a a problem.  

Elliott soon discovered that his bed was soaked and I mean soaked. I’m not talking someone spilled a water bottle kinda wet either.  We’re talking someone or something dropped like a gallon of pee all over his bed. 

Everyone was confused because the amount was so much that it had to be a person.  
With the boys being gone all day, we could rule them out and I know of it wasn’t Lizze or myself.  

I had no idea what happened.  Then it occurred to me that I could check the camera feed from their room and search about six hours of footage within the window of time this happened.  

After combing through the footage, we were astonished by what we found.  This is unbelievable and if I hadn’t seen this with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it. Check this out and tell me what you think… 


Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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Man…that is a tough one. That dog was angry about something! Unless she is prone to accidents (of course)

Hope you have some nice weather to air the mattress out.


The dog has done it before… she has problems walking and specifically jumped up and did this. She smells something there and likely it is a previous incident or she wouldnt feel comfortable doing it. If it was a matter of being prone to accidents, she would have peed in a much easier spot. You might want to check other areas too that are mysteriously wet.
Solution one- CLOSE the door. Solution 2 – since Maggie has gotten older, she may not be signalling you as she once did… let her out on a schedule. (you didnt mention if you and Lizzie were home) Maggie may not realize she has to go until she really really has to go although she climbed the stairs and found a bed to pee on.
Really clean this mattress- airing it out wont do it. She will smell this and go for it again.Try putting a mattress protector over it after (plastic)

Rob Gorski

Okay. She’s never done this on his or anyone’s bed. She’s pee’d on the floor before. There footage that didn’t make the cut because she went into Gavin’s room and then rolled around Elliott’s room for awhile before leaving for awhile and then coming back and peeing on the bed.

Lizze and I were taking a nap and our door was shut. I had assumed Maggie was lying in her corner of our room but she got locked out. I think she was upset that she was locked out.

We scrubbed, disinfected, aired outside, fabreezed and vacuumed…

I was sharing this more because of the fact it was caught on video 🙂


She is also laying down and peeing which in and of itself highly unusual. Seriously I would keep an eye on her. Sure dogs get upset, and they can and will get destructive but a dog (or any animal) doesnt urinate or defecate on themselves intentionally.
If you think she wasnt smelling anything, nor wasnt visiting a previous ‘pee spot’ she may have a UTI , a hormone imbalance or best case she HAD to go pee and you and Lizzie were preoccupied,
CLOSE the boys bedroom doors. and she wont be able to visit the rooms and do things like this. She is an older dog, she is having problems moving, and urinating on herself isnt normal.


I noticed that she was lying down while peeing too. I think that’s a result of her having a bum leg. It looked to me that she kind of flopped over when she jumped on the bed. My thinking was that she started to pee even though she was lying down because she could no longer hold it. I don’t think this was so much UTI or hormone imbalance as it was that she was super pissed at someone.


She is also laying down and peeing which in and of itself highly unusual. Seriously I would keep an eye on her. Sure dogs get upset, and they can and will get destructive but a dog (or any animal) doesnt urinate or defecate on themselves intentionally.
If you think she wasnt smelling anything, nor wasnt visiting a previous ‘pee spot’ she may have a UTI , a hormone imbalance or best case she HAD to go pee and you and Lizzie were preoccupied,
CLOSE the boys bedroom doors. and she wont be able to visit the rooms and do things like this. She is an older dog, she is having problems moving, and urinating on herself isnt normal.


I noticed that she was lying down while peeing too. I think that’s a result of her having a bum leg. It looked to me that she kind of flopped over when she jumped on the bed. My thinking was that she started to pee even though she was lying down because she could no longer hold it. I don’t think this was so much UTI or hormone imbalance as it was that she was super pissed at someone.

Rob Gorski

Okay. Come on folks.. Let’s keep this civil.

Look, I posted the video because I honestly thought it was kinda funny. I’m not worried about Maggie cause she’s fine. Every so often, she’s gets upset and will pee somewhere in the house. She was rescued from a fighting ring and was used as a broader and fighter.

There are things going that trigger emotional this like this with her but we don’t always know what they are.

Anyway, I don’t want anyone to be offended or have their feelings hurt by this thread getting out of control.

Let’s just move on and put this behind us. I’m really grateful for the advice as well as people trying defend me for lack of a better word.

I didn’t take offense to anything that going on here until it started getting personal.

There are some people on here that are truly mean spirited and looking to hurt others, neither of you two fall into that category.

I hope we can all still be friends and put this behind us. Frankly, I’m sure there’s going to be some weird shit that Maggie does that I’ll need your experience to help figure out. ☺️

Rob Gorski

I think a tantrum is a good way to describe it..


Gee thanks Karalyn for your snarky comment. I do rescue work and have had many senior dogs of my own. Just trying to help here. You have any suggestions you could give him besides the ones I did?

Rob Gorski

I guess I didn’t really see her comment as snarky. As for your trying to help, I appreciate it.

Maggie has some emotional baggage from her life before us. I don’t think this was anything more than her being upset and peeing. Why she chose Elliott’s bed, I’ve not a clue but I can assure you that nothing else has happened on the mattress before.

Before Lizze came home, if I used the bathroom, she would lay outside the door and wait. If I took to long cause I was taking a bath, she’d pee outside the door.

I really think it’s an emotional/behavioral thing…

Rob Gorski

I think a tantrum is a good way to describe it..

Rob Gorski

Okay. Come on folks.. Let’s keep this civil.

Look, I posted the video because I honestly thought it was kinda funny. I’m not worried about Maggie cause she’s fine. Every so often, she’s gets upset and will pee somewhere in the house. She was rescued from a fighting ring and was used as a broader and fighter.

There are things going that trigger emotional this like this with her but we don’t always know what they are.

Anyway, I don’t want anyone to be offended or have their feelings hurt by this thread getting out of control.

Let’s just move on and put this behind us. I’m really grateful for the advice as well as people trying defend me for lack of a better word.

I didn’t take offense to anything that going on here until it started getting personal.

There are some people on here that are truly mean spirited and looking to hurt others, neither of you two fall into that category.

I hope we can all still be friends and put this behind us. Frankly, I’m sure there’s going to be some weird shit that Maggie does that I’ll need your experience to help figure out. ☺️


Gee thanks Karalyn for your snarky comment. I do rescue work and have had many senior dogs of my own. Just trying to help here. You have any suggestions you could give him besides the ones I did?

Rob Gorski

I guess I didn’t really see her comment as snarky. As for your trying to help, I appreciate it.

Maggie has some emotional baggage from her life before us. I don’t think this was anything more than her being upset and peeing. Why she chose Elliott’s bed, I’ve not a clue but I can assure you that nothing else has happened on the mattress before.

Before Lizze came home, if I used the bathroom, she would lay outside the door and wait. If I took to long cause I was taking a bath, she’d pee outside the door.

I really think it’s an emotional/behavioral thing…

Rob Gorski

Okay. Come on folks.. Let’s keep this civil.

Look, I posted the video because I honestly thought it was kinda funny. I’m not worried about Maggie cause she’s fine. Every so often, she’s gets upset and will pee somewhere in the house. She was rescued from a fighting ring and was used as a broader and fighter.

There are things going that trigger emotional this like this with her but we don’t always know what they are.

Anyway, I don’t want anyone to be offended or have their feelings hurt by this thread getting out of control.

Let’s just move on and put this behind us. I’m really grateful for the advice as well as people trying defend me for lack of a better word.

I didn’t take offense to anything that going on here until it started getting personal.

There are some people on here that are truly mean spirited and looking to hurt others, neither of you two fall into that category.

I hope we can all still be friends and put this behind us. Frankly, I’m sure there’s going to be some weird shit that Maggie does that I’ll need your experience to help figure out. ☺️

Rob Gorski

I think a tantrum is a good way to describe it..


Gee thanks Karalyn for your snarky comment. I do rescue work and have had many senior dogs of my own. Just trying to help here. You have any suggestions you could give him besides the ones I did?

Rob Gorski

I guess I didn’t really see her comment as snarky. As for your trying to help, I appreciate it.

Maggie has some emotional baggage from her life before us. I don’t think this was anything more than her being upset and peeing. Why she chose Elliott’s bed, I’ve not a clue but I can assure you that nothing else has happened on the mattress before.

Before Lizze came home, if I used the bathroom, she would lay outside the door and wait. If I took to long cause I was taking a bath, she’d pee outside the door.

I really think it’s an emotional/behavioral thing…

Rob Gorski

Okay. Come on folks.. Let’s keep this civil.

Look, I posted the video because I honestly thought it was kinda funny. I’m not worried about Maggie cause she’s fine. Every so often, she’s gets upset and will pee somewhere in the house. She was rescued from a fighting ring and was used as a broader and fighter.

There are things going that trigger emotional this like this with her but we don’t always know what they are.

Anyway, I don’t want anyone to be offended or have their feelings hurt by this thread getting out of control.

Let’s just move on and put this behind us. I’m really grateful for the advice as well as people trying defend me for lack of a better word.

I didn’t take offense to anything that going on here until it started getting personal.

There are some people on here that are truly mean spirited and looking to hurt others, neither of you two fall into that category.

I hope we can all still be friends and put this behind us. Frankly, I’m sure there’s going to be some weird shit that Maggie does that I’ll need your experience to help figure out. ☺️

Rob Gorski

I think a tantrum is a good way to describe it..


Gee thanks Karalyn for your snarky comment. I do rescue work and have had many senior dogs of my own. Just trying to help here. You have any suggestions you could give him besides the ones I did?

Rob Gorski

I guess I didn’t really see her comment as snarky. As for your trying to help, I appreciate it.

Maggie has some emotional baggage from her life before us. I don’t think this was anything more than her being upset and peeing. Why she chose Elliott’s bed, I’ve not a clue but I can assure you that nothing else has happened on the mattress before.

Before Lizze came home, if I used the bathroom, she would lay outside the door and wait. If I took to long cause I was taking a bath, she’d pee outside the door.

I really think it’s an emotional/behavioral thing…

Rob Gorski

Okay. She’s never done this on his or anyone’s bed. She’s pee’d on the floor before. There footage that didn’t make the cut because she went into Gavin’s room and then rolled around Elliott’s room for awhile before leaving for awhile and then coming back and peeing on the bed.

Lizze and I were taking a nap and our door was shut. I had assumed Maggie was lying in her corner of our room but she got locked out. I think she was upset that she was locked out.

We scrubbed, disinfected, aired outside, fabreezed and vacuumed…

I was sharing this more because of the fact it was caught on video 🙂


She is also laying down and peeing which in and of itself highly unusual. Seriously I would keep an eye on her. Sure dogs get upset, and they can and will get destructive but a dog (or any animal) doesnt urinate or defecate on themselves intentionally.
If you think she wasnt smelling anything, nor wasnt visiting a previous ‘pee spot’ she may have a UTI , a hormone imbalance or best case she HAD to go pee and you and Lizzie were preoccupied,
CLOSE the boys bedroom doors. and she wont be able to visit the rooms and do things like this. She is an older dog, she is having problems moving, and urinating on herself isnt normal.


I noticed that she was lying down while peeing too. I think that’s a result of her having a bum leg. It looked to me that she kind of flopped over when she jumped on the bed. My thinking was that she started to pee even though she was lying down because she could no longer hold it. I don’t think this was so much UTI or hormone imbalance as it was that she was super pissed at someone.


She is also laying down and peeing which in and of itself highly unusual. Seriously I would keep an eye on her. Sure dogs get upset, and they can and will get destructive but a dog (or any animal) doesnt urinate or defecate on themselves intentionally.
If you think she wasnt smelling anything, nor wasnt visiting a previous ‘pee spot’ she may have a UTI , a hormone imbalance or best case she HAD to go pee and you and Lizzie were preoccupied,
CLOSE the boys bedroom doors. and she wont be able to visit the rooms and do things like this. She is an older dog, she is having problems moving, and urinating on herself isnt normal.


I noticed that she was lying down while peeing too. I think that’s a result of her having a bum leg. It looked to me that she kind of flopped over when she jumped on the bed. My thinking was that she started to pee even though she was lying down because she could no longer hold it. I don’t think this was so much UTI or hormone imbalance as it was that she was super pissed at someone.


The dog has done it before… she has problems walking and specifically jumped up and did this. She smells something there and likely it is a previous incident or she wouldnt feel comfortable doing it. If it was a matter of being prone to accidents, she would have peed in a much easier spot. You might want to check other areas too that are mysteriously wet.
Solution one- CLOSE the door. Solution 2 – since Maggie has gotten older, she may not be signalling you as she once did… let her out on a schedule. (you didnt mention if you and Lizzie were home) Maggie may not realize she has to go until she really really has to go although she climbed the stairs and found a bed to pee on.
Really clean this mattress- airing it out wont do it. She will smell this and go for it again.Try putting a mattress protector over it after (plastic)


Man…that is a tough one. That dog was angry about something! Unless she is prone to accidents (of course)

Hope you have some nice weather to air the mattress out.