I have a really challenging afternoon ahead of me. In fact, I have a really challenging morning, leading up to an even more challenging afternoon ahead of me.
Emmett goes to the dentist for an emergency appointment today.
For some reason, he’s really stressed out about this and that’s weird because he’s normally fine with the dentist. All I can say is he’s freaked out right now and has been since last night.
I’m pretty sure that this should be a fairly quick procedure today because most of it was done the last time and he basically just needs the cap installed. There is however, a small chance they may have to just pull the tooth and that will not be fun.
Unfortunately, I have to bring all the kids with me today and that’s not going to be easy because Elliott freaks out at the slightest thought of being in a doctor’s office, especially the dentist.
This is Lizze’s last week of class and while she’ll explain these classes later on, they are extremely important. I totally get that and 100% support her. That does mean however, that I’m no my own today.
Elliott and Gavin are going to have to sit in the waiting room while Emmett gets worked on.
I’m reasonably sure that Gavin will do fine but Elliott has me worried.
When we get home, I have to finish working on getting the house ready for Wednesday’s film crew arrival.
I’m feeling a great deal of pressure and all I want to do is hop aboard the crazy train and ride it out of town but unfortunately, that’s not something I can do…