I spoke with Gavin about “who’s trying to kill him”

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  • Post last modified:April 4, 2018

I spoke with Gavin this morning or rather tried to speak with Gavin this morning about whoever or whatever was trying to kill him.  Based on his reaction to the question, I’m guessing that was the wrong thing to do.

All I asked him was who’s trying to kill you? He immediately became agitated and didn’t want to talk about it. 

I explained to him that he’s my son and if someone’s trying to kill him, I need to know about it.  He reluctantly told me that the person trying to kill him is none other then Eggman himself. 

This is such a difficult situation because I don’t want to play to much into his hallucinations but at the same time, I need to be sensitive to the fact that he actually believes this stuff and so I take it seriously. 

The reality is that even though this is all in his head, it feels real to him.  If he believes someone’s trying to kill him, he legitimately can feel scared or afraid. Do you see my conundrum here?

The last thing he told me was that this has happened before and he has a plan, so I don’t need to worry.

I don’t really know what to make of this right now but I don’t believe that I’ve heard the last of this.  Again though, while Lizze and I are concerned, I don’t know how serious this actually is, at least at this point. 

This is a keep a watchful eye on him and encourage him to keep us informed kind of situation…..


Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)

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