Last week, I picked up a gently used mattress set from my Aunt and Uncle. It was a twin set and the idea was to replace Gavin’s current mattress set with a more comfortable one.
My Dad helped me pick them up and we set everything in the living room overnight because the boys were already sleeping.
The next morning, Gavin disassembled his current bed, all by himself and rested the old mattresses in the corner of his room to wait for trash day. After that, he carried the new bed frame upstairs to his room and he put it together, all by himself. ☺
I carried the new mattresses up for him and he put it together.
That brings us to today.
Tonights trash night and we get everything out the curb for pickup in the morning.
Gavin wanted to get the old mattresses out of his room but was nervous to move them down the steps by himself. Rather than let him not even try, I talked him through safely bringing them down the steps on his own.
He was scared but he was also totally safe.
I wish I had caught a picture of the look on his face when he finished bringing the last one down the steps. He was so proud of himself and should be.
There was no reason he couldn’t safely do this, other than fear.
All he needed was a bit of encouragement and he conquered his fear. I’m really proud of him because he took on a challenge and overcame his fear to get the job done. Again, he was perfectly safe and I was right there to step in if he needed me.
Great job Mr. Gavin…. ☺
Go Gavin! You are growing up so fast! Proud of you big man! Grandma Weaver
Isn’t he though….. He was totally freaked out and I had to drill sergeant him a bit but he totally kicked butt… ☺
Go Gavin! You are growing up so fast! Proud of you big man! Grandma Weaver
Isn’t he though….. He was totally freaked out and I had to drill sergeant him a bit but he totally kicked butt… ☺
Go Gavin! You are growing up so fast! Proud of you big man! Grandma Weaver
Isn’t he though….. He was totally freaked out and I had to drill sergeant him a bit but he totally kicked butt… ☺
Go Gavin! You are growing up so fast! Proud of you big man! Grandma Weaver
Isn’t he though….. He was totally freaked out and I had to drill sergeant him a bit but he totally kicked butt… ☺