It’s not a the often, I can say that we’ve had 2 people murdered on our street this year. I found out about the second one this morning. I knew something had happened on Friday night cause I shot a few seconds of video, documenting all the police cars about 7 or 8 houses down.
I never heard whatever happened, go down but I did hear the sirens and see the lights.
It’s really scary to know that this is happening so close to home, literally. I really, really need to get the kids and myself out of this neighborhood. Unfortunately, that’s much easier said than done, especially for someone in my position.
On the positive side, I’m building a new partnership and one of the perks is a brand new smart security system for the house. It won’t stop bullets, but it will provide a sense of comfort. I’ll have more on that later but that’s happening within the next week and will replace our current system.
I’m going to figure something out.
I’ve spoken many times about having to constantly juggle priorities and re-triage the challenges facing us. I’m reminded that I need to bump moving to a safer home, up on the list of priorities. That doesn’t mean it will happen any faster but it does mean it will be on the forefront of my mind going forward.
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