I’m aiming for a nice, relaxing, TV filled evening, with little to no fighting or meltdowns.. Wishful thinking? It’s totally Wishful thinking but one can always hope. ☺
As long as Elliott is having a good day, there’s a decent shot of having a decent evening. I think we’re going to do pasta for dinner because it’s one meal that everyone will eat, even though they each will only eat if it’s done a certain way.. O_o
Aside from pizza, this is the closest I get to making one meal, one time, one way and everyone eats it.
Anyway, I’m thinking since I still have two sick kiddos, we might just do a movie night or cartoon marathon on Netflix. We’ve been rewatching the Justice League animated series and most of the the boys seem to enjoy that.
It really is hard to kill three birds with one stone, so to speak, when all three are on the Autism Spectrum.
I often find myself overwhelmed and frustrated because life would be so much easier if all my kids had the same needs or at least the same proclivities.. Unfortunately, that’s not the case and so I will continue to tippy toe through that minefield, while still challenging my kids to step outside of their comfort zone.
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