So apparently it’s my turn to be sick :(

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  • Post last modified:April 6, 2018

Elliott and Emmett are both absolutely under the weather and will likely not make it to school tomorrow.  As the person who’s been coughed and sneezed on for the last week, it was inevitable that I would be counting myself among the sick. 

For me, it feels like a head cold right now.

The boys have been kind enough to be relatively easy to care for today and that’s made this a little easier. 

Feeling as awful as I do, makes me appreciate what the boys have been going through all week. They truly are troopers because I don’t have any sensory issues and I just want to crawl into a dark hole and die.  I can’t image how sensory processing disorder would play into this. 

Thankfully, there’s absolutely nothing on the schedule for tomorrow..

Thank God for small favors…. 😷


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Rob Gorski

Full time, work from home single Dad to my 3 amazing boys. Oh...and creator fo this blog. :-)
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