Emmett’s having a rough night. In the morning I’m going to take him into Aultman North (Urgent Care) and have him checked out, assuming he’s not doing better.
I mentioned before that both Elliott and Emmett have had walking pneumonia, on more than one occasion. I don’t like this cough and I want to make sure he’s okay. It’s just a precaution but I’ll feel better if I know for sure that everything is fine and the cough is nothing to worry about.
Thankfully, Emmett likes going to the doctor and so I don’t have to contend with an uncooperative, very anxious little boy like I would if this had been Elliott.
I guess I should also add that I moved Emmett and myself upstairs because I think we’ll both be more comfortable.
We had a midnight bowl of cereal together before moving our things back to the second floor.
I’m really hoping that he will be able to sleep tonight because he definitely needs his rest. I did forget to mention that his fever went down on its own. He was at 102.1°f and now he’s down to 99.2°f……☺
Perhaps that’s a good sign…..
Please keep Emmett in your thoughts… I just can’t shake this worry…
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Sending positive vibes. He may be semi-successfully fighting something off or it could be allergy related too. ….best wishes for him feeling better
Sending positive vibes. He may be semi-successfully fighting something off or it could be allergy related too. ….best wishes for him feeling better